The XYX API module exports the api function which serves as the entry point for all XYZ API requests.
A node.js express app will require the api module and reference the exported api method for all request routes.
const app = express()
const api = require('./api/api')
app.get(`/`, api)
@requires /view
@requires /query
@requires /fetch
@requires /sign
@requires /user/auth
@module /api
const logger = require('../mod/utils/logger');
const login = require('../mod/user/login');
const register = require('../mod/user/register');
const auth = require('../mod/user/auth');
const saml = process.env.SAML_ENTITY_ID && require('../mod/user/saml');
const routes = {
provider: require('../mod/provider/_provider'),
sign: require('../mod/sign/_sign'),
query: require('../mod/query'),
fetch: require('../mod/fetch'),
user: require('../mod/user/_user'),
view: require('../mod/view'),
workspace: require('../mod/workspace/_workspace'),
process.env.COOKIE_TTL ??= 36000;
process.env.TITLE ??= 'GEOLYTIX | XYZ';
process.env.DIR ??= '';
@typedef {Object} req
The req object represents the HTTP request and has properties for the request query string, parameters, body, HTTP headers, and so on.
@property {Object} params HTTP request parameter.
@property {Object} [body] HTTP POST request body.
@property {Object} header HTTP request header.
@typedef {Object} res
The res object represents the HTTP response that an [Express] app sends when it gets an HTTP request.
@function api
The XYZ api method will validate request parameter.
The API module method requires the user/auth module to authenticate private API requests.
Requests are passed to individual API modules from the api() method.
@param {req} req HTTP request.
@param {res} res HTTP response.
module.exports = async function api(req, res) {
// redirect if dir is missing in url path.
if (process.env.DIR && req.url.length === 1) {
res.setHeader('location', `${process.env.DIR}`);
return res.status(302).send();
logger(req, 'req');
logger(req.url, 'req_url');
// Request will be short circuited to the saml module.
if (req.url.match(/\/saml/)) {
if (!saml) return;
return saml(req, res);
// Merge request params and query params.
req.params = Object.assign(req.params || {}, req.query || {});
Object.keys(req.params).forEach((key) => {
// Set null from string.
if (req.params[key]?.toLowerCase() === 'null') {
req.params[key] = null;
// Set boolean false from string.
if (req.params[key]?.toLowerCase() === 'false') {
req.params[key] = false;
// Set boolean true from string.
if (req.params[key]?.toLowerCase() === 'true') {
req.params[key] = true;
// Delete param keys with undefined values.
if (req.params[key] === undefined) {
delete req.params[key];
// Delete param keys with empty string value.
if (req.params[key] === '') {
delete req.params[key];
// Check whether param begins and ends with square braces.
if (
typeof req.params[key] === 'string' &&
) {
// Slice square brackets of string and split on comma.
req.params[key] = req.params[key].slice(1, -1).split(',');
// Url parameter keys must be white listed as letters and numbers only.
if (Object.keys(req.params).some((key) => !key.match(/^[A-Za-z0-9_-]*$/))) {
return res.status(403).send('URL parameter key validation failed.');
// Language param will default to english [en] is not explicitly set.
req.params.language ??= 'en';
// Assign from _template if provided as path param.
req.params.template ??= req.params._template;
// Short circuit login view or post request.
if (req.params.login || (req.body && req.body.login)) return login(req, res);
// Short circuit register view or post request.
if (req.params.register || (req.body && req.body.register))
return register(req, res);
// Short circuit logout request
if (req.params.logout) {
// Remove cookie.
`${process.env.TITLE}=null;HttpOnly;Max-Age=0;Path=${process.env.DIR || '/'}`,
// Remove logout parameter.
(process.env.DIR || '/') +
((req.params.msg && `?msg=${req.params.msg}`) || ''),
return res.status(302).send();
// Validate signature of either request token or cookie.
const user = await auth(req, res);
// Remove token from params object.
delete req.params.token;
// The authentication method returns an error.
if (user && user instanceof Error) {
if (req.headers.authorization) {
return res.status(401).send(user.message);
// Remove cookie.
`${process.env.TITLE}=null;HttpOnly;Max-Age=0;Path=${process.env.DIR || '/'};SameSite=Strict${(!req.headers.host.includes('localhost') && ';Secure') || ''}`,
req.params.msg = user.msg || user.message;
// Return login view with error message.
return login(req, res);
// Set user as request parameter.
req.params.user = user;
// User route
if (req.url.match(/(?<=\/api\/user)/)) {
// A msg will be returned if the user does not met the required priviliges.
return routes.user(req, res);
// The login view will be returned for all PRIVATE requests without a valid user.
if (!user && process.env.PRIVATE) {
if (process.env.SAML_LOGIN) {
res.setHeader('location', `${process.env.DIR}/saml/login`);
return res.status(302).send();
return login(req, res);
// Provider route
if (req.url.match(/(?<=\/api\/provider)/)) {
return routes.provider(req, res);
// Signing route
if (req.url.match(/(?<=\/api\/sign)/)) {
return routes.sign(req, res);
// Location route
if (req.url.match(/(?<=\/api\/location)/)) {
// Set template and route to query mod.
req.params.template = `location_${req.params.method}`;
return routes.query(req, res);
// Query route
if (req.url.match(/(?<=\/api\/query)/)) {
return routes.query(req, res);
// Fetch route
if (req.url.match(/(?<=\/api\/fetch)/)) {
return routes.fetch(req, res);
// Workspace route
if (req.url.match(/(?<=\/api\/workspace)/)) {
return routes.workspace(req, res);
// Return the View API on the root.
routes.view(req, res);