## /utils/languageTemplates
The languageTemplates module requests templates that maybe localised.
A localised template object will have properties matching a language code. The property value being the localised template for that language.
token_not_found: {
en: `Token not found. The token has probably been resolved already.`,
fr: `Token n’a pas été trouvé. Il a probablement déjà été utilisé.`,
pl: `Token wygasł. Prawdopodobnie został już wykorzystany.`,
ja: `トークンが見つかりません。 トークンはおそらくすでに解決されています。`,
ko: `토근이 발견되지 않았습니다. 이미 해결된 것 같습니다.`,
zh: `未找到相关令牌, 该令牌可能已解析`
English being the default language, each language template should have the 'en' property.
@requires /provider/getFrom
@requires /workspace/getTemplate
@module /utils/languageTemplates
const getFrom = require('../provider/getFrom');
const getTemplate = require('../workspace/getTemplate');
@function languageTemplates
The method will request a template from the `getTemplate()` module method.
The params.template string will be returned if the getTemplate method returns an error. A message template may not exist and the template reference should be returned to the requesting method rather than an error message stating that the template doesn't exist.
A [view] template which is not a languageTemplate maybe requested from the {@link module:/view View API module}. The object returned from the getTemplate method will have a template string property which will be returned to the caller.
Valid language template objects must have an `en` property. The english template will be returned if the requested language is not a property of the template object.
@param {Object} params Params object which specifies the template.
@property {string} params.template The key of the template.
@property {string} [params.language = 'en'] The template language
@returns {Promise} The promise will resolve to a string or object.
module.exports = async function languageTemplates(params) {
if (params.template === undefined) return;
const languageTemplate = await getTemplate(params.template);
if (languageTemplate instanceof Error) {
// Return the template string value if the template is not available in workspace.
return params.template;
// NOT a language template
if (typeof languageTemplate.template === 'string') {
return languageTemplate.template;
// The getTemplate method failed to retrieve the template from a src string property.
if (languageTemplate.src && languageTemplate.err instanceof Error) {
return params.template;
// Set english as default template language.
params.language ??= 'en';
// Assign language property from languageTemplate as template
const template = Object.hasOwn(languageTemplate, params.language)
? languageTemplate[params.language]
: languageTemplate.en;
if (typeof template !== 'string') return template;
const method = template.split(':')[0];
// HTML Templates must be gotten as string from [template] string.
if (Object.hasOwn(getFrom, method)) {
// Get template from method.
return await getFrom[method](template);
return template;