* Roles utility module for handling role-based access control and object merging
* @module /utils/roles
* @global
* @typedef {Object} roles
* @property {Object} roles - roles configuration object
* @property {boolean} [roles.*] - Wildcard role indicating unrestricted access
* @property {Object} [roles.key] - Role-specific properties to merge
* @property {Object} [roles.'!key'] - Negated role properties (applied when user doesn't have the role)
const merge = require('./merge')
module.exports = {
* Checks if an object should be accessible based on user roles
* @param {Object} obj - The object to check access for
* @param {roles} obj.roles - Role configuration object
* @param {Array<string>} user_roles - Array of roles assigned to the user
* @returns {(Object|boolean)} Returns the original object if access is granted, false otherwise
* @example
* // Object with unrestricted access
* check({ roles: { '*': true }, data: 'content' }, ['user']) // returns object
* // Object with role restriction
* check({ roles: { admin: true }, data: 'content' }, ['user']) // returns false
* check({ roles: { admin: true }, data: 'content' }, ['admin']) // returns object
* // Object with negated roles
* check({ roles: { '!guest': true }, data: 'content' }, ['guest']) // returns false
* check({ roles: { '!guest': true }, data: 'content' }, ['user']) // returns object
function check(obj, user_roles) {
// The object to check has no roles assigned.
if (!obj.roles) return obj;
// Always return object with '*' asterisk role.
if (Object.hasOwn(obj.roles, '*')) return obj;
if (!user_roles) return false
// Some negated role is included in user_roles[]
const someNegatedRole = Object.keys(obj.roles).some(
(role) => /^!/.exec(role) && user_roles.includes(role.replace(/^!/, ''))
if (someNegatedRole) return false;
// Check whether every role is negated.
const everyNegatedRoles = Object.keys(obj.roles).every((role) =>
if (everyNegatedRoles) return obj;
// Some positive role is included in user_roles[]
const somePositiveRole = Object.keys(obj.roles).some((role) =>
if (somePositiveRole) return obj;
// The check fails by default.
return false;
@function objMerge
Recursively merges role-specific object properties based on user roles.
The function handles several special cases:
- Recursively processes nested objects
- Handles arrays by mapping over their elements
- Processes negated roles (prefixed with '!')
- Preserves the original object if conditions aren't met
- Skip null or undefined values
const obj = {
name: 'layer',
roles: {
admin: { secretField: 'sensitive' },
user: { publicField: 'visible' }
// With admin role
objMerge(obj, ['admin']);
// Returns: { name: 'layer', secretField: 'sensitive', roles: {...} }
// With user role
objMerge(obj, ['user']);
// Returns: { name: 'layer', publicField: 'visible', roles: {...} }
@param {Object} obj The object to process
@param {Array<string>} user_roles Array of roles assigned to the user
@property {roles} obj.roles Role configuration object
@returns {Object} Processed object with merged role-specific properties
function objMerge(obj, user_roles) {
if (typeof obj !== 'object') return obj;
if (!Array.isArray(user_roles)) return obj
if (Array.isArray(obj)) {
return obj.map(arrEntry => objMerge(arrEntry, user_roles))
.filter(key => typeof obj[key] === 'object')
.forEach(key => {
// Cannot convert undefined or null to object.
if (!obj[key]) return;
obj[key] = objMerge(obj[key], user_roles)
if (!obj.roles) return obj;
if (typeof obj.roles !== 'object') return obj;
if (Array.isArray(obj.roles)) return obj;
if (typeof obj.roles === 'function') return obj;
const clone = structuredClone(obj)
.filter(role => clone.roles[role] !== true)
.filter(role => clone.roles[role] !== null)
.filter(role => typeof clone.roles[role] === 'object')
.filter(role => !Array.isArray(clone.roles[role]))
.filter(role => user_roles.includes(role) || notIncludesNegatedRole(role, user_roles))
.forEach(role => {
merge(clone, clone.roles[role])
return clone
@function notIncludesNegatedRole
The utility method checks whether a negated role [prefixed with an exclamation mark !] is not included in the array of user roles.
@param {String} role A role name
@param {Array<string>} user_roles Array of roles assigned to the user
@returns {Boolean} True if the negated role is not included in the user_roles array.
function notIncludesNegatedRole(role, user_roles) {
// A negated role is prefixes with an exclamation mark.
return role.match(/(?<=^!)(.*)/g)?.[0] ?
!user_roles.includes(role.match(/(?<=^!)(.*)/g)?.[0]) :