
@module /utils/sqlFilter
@description The sqlFilter module is used to convert the filter object into a SQL query string.
@exports sqlfilter

// The filterTypes object contains methods for each filter type.
const filterTypes = {
  eq: (col, val) => `"${col}" = \$${addValues(val, 'numeric')}`,

  gt: (col, val) => `"${col}" > \$${addValues(val, 'numeric')}`,

  gte: (col, val) => `"${col}" >= \$${addValues(val, 'numeric')}`,

  lt: (col, val) => `"${col}" < \$${addValues(val, 'numeric')}`,

  lte: (col, val) => `"${col}" <= \$${addValues(val, 'numeric')}`,

  boolean: (col, val) => `"${col}" IS ${!!val}`,

  null: (col, val) => `"${col}" IS ${!val ? 'NOT' : ''} NULL`,

  ni: (col, val) => `NOT "${col}" = ANY (\$${addValues([val], 'array')})`,

  in: (col, val) => `"${col}" = ANY (\$${addValues([val], 'array')})`,

  like: (col, val) => {
    // The val string must be decoded.
    val = decodeURIComponent(val);

    return `(${val
      .filter((val) => val.length > 0)
      .map((val) => `"${col}" ILIKE \$${addValues(`${val}%`, 'string')}`)
      .join(' OR ')})`;

  match: (col, val) => `"${col}"::text = \$${addValues(val, 'string')}`,

let SQLparams;

@function addValues
The addValues method is used to add values to the SQLparams array.

@param {string} val 
@returns {number} SQLparams.length
function addValues(val, type) {
  const err = isValidParam(val, type);

  if (err instanceof Error) {

  return SQLparams.length;

@function sqlfilter
The sqlfilter method is used to convert the filter object into a SQL query string.
If the filter is an array, the filter will be conditional OR.
If the filter is a string, the filter will be returned as is.

@param {Object} filter
@param {Array} params
@returns {string} SQL query string
module.exports = sqlfilter;

function sqlfilter(filter, params) {
  //Check to see that params is an array and that the values of the params are of valid type.
  if (!Array.isArray(params)) {
    throw new TypeError(
      'Expected params to be an array of valid types (string, number, boolean, object, or bigint)',

  if (typeof filter === 'string') return filter;

  SQLparams = params;

  // Filter in an array will be conditional OR
  if (filter.length)
    return `(${filter

      // Map filter in array with OR conjuction
      .map((filter) => mapFilterEntries(filter))
      .join(' OR ')})`;

  // Filter in an object will be conditional AND
  return mapFilterEntries(filter);

@function mapFilterEntries
The mapFilterEntries method is used to map the filter entries and convert them into a SQL query string.
The method also validates the filter entries against SQL parameter validation.
@param {Object} filter
@returns {string} SQL query string

function mapFilterEntries(filter) {
  const SQLvalidation = /^[a-zA-Z_]\w*$/;

  if (Object.keys(filter).some((key) => !SQLvalidation.test(key))) {
    const unvalidatedKey = Object.keys(filter).find(
      (key) => !SQLvalidation.test(key),

      `"${unvalidatedKey}" field didn't pass SQL parameter validation`,

  return `(${Object.entries(filter)

    // Map filter entries
    .map((entry) => {
      const field = entry[0];
      const value = entry[1];

      // Array entry values represent conditional OR
      if (value.length) return sqlfilter(value);

      // Call filter type method for matching filter entry value
      // Multiple filterTypes for the same field will be joined with AND
      return Object.keys(value)
        .filter((filterType) => !!filterTypes[filterType])
        .map((filterType) => filterTypes[filterType](field, value[filterType]))
        .join(' AND ');

    // Filter out undefined / escaped filter
    .filter((f) => typeof f !== 'undefined')

    // Join filter with conjunction
    .join(' AND ')})`;

@function isValidParam 
Check whether val param is of expected type.

@param {*} val 
@param {string} type
@returns boolean 
function isValidParam(val, type) {
  // Object containing type checking functions for each supported type
  const typeCheckers = {
    // Uses native Array.isArray for array checking
    array: Array.isArray,
    // Checks if value is strictly a string using typeof
    string: (val) => typeof val === 'string',
    // Checks if value is a valid number and not null
    // Note: isNaN('123') returns false, so this also accepts numeric strings
    numeric: (val) => !isNaN(val) && val !== null,

  // Check if the requested type is supported
  if (!typeCheckers.hasOwnProperty(type)) {
    return new Error(`Unsupported type: ${type}`);

  // Perform the type check using the appropriate function
  if (!typeCheckers[type](val)) {
    // Determine the actual type of the value
    // Special handling for arrays since typeof [] returns 'object'
    const actualType = Array.isArray(val) ? 'array' : typeof val;
    return new Error(`Expected ${type} type val param, got ${actualType}`);

  // If we reach here, the value is valid
  return null;