## /workspace/getTemplate
The module exports the getTemplate method which is required by the query, languageTemplates, getLayer, and getLocale modules.
@requires /provider/getFrom
@requires /utils/merge
@requires /workspace/cache
@module /workspace/getTemplate
const getFrom = require('../provider/getFrom');
const merge = require('../utils/merge');
const workspaceCache = require('./cache');
const envReplace = require('../utils/envReplace');
@typedef {Object} template A template is an object property of the workspace.templates
@property {Object} _type The _type property distinguish the origin of a template. 'core' templates are added from the /mod/workspace/templates directory. A 'custom' is added from a custom_template JSON file defined in the process.env. A 'workspace' is added from the workspace itself. A _type='template' object is assigned in the [assignWorkspaceTemplates]{@link module:/workspace/mergeTemplates~assignWorkspaceTemplates} method.
@property {String} src The source is a location from which a template object is loaded when required. Once loaded the template will be cached.
@property {Object} cached The cached template.
@property {String} template The string representation of a template, eg. html, sql.
@property {Function} render A method which resolves in a template string.
@property {Boolean} module The template is a module.
@function getTemplate
A JSON template object will be requested from the getTemplateObject method.
An error will be returned if the lookup failed.
A template will be requested from source if the template has not been cached.
Template modules will be constructed.
@param {string} template
@returns {Promise<Object|Error>} JSON Template
module.exports = async function getTemplate(template) {
template = await getTemplateObject(template);
if (template instanceof Error) {
return template;
if (!template.src) {
return template;
if (template.cached) {
return structuredClone(template.cached);
// Subtitutes ${*} with process.env.SRC_* key values.
template.src = envReplace(template.src);
const method = template.src.split(':')[0];
if (!Object.hasOwn(getFrom, method)) {
// Unable to determine getFrom method.
console.warn(`Cannot get: "${template.src}"`);
return template;
const response = await getFrom[method](template.src);
if (response instanceof Error) {
template.err = response;
return template;
// Template is a module.
if (template.module || template.type === 'module') {
try {
// Attempt to construct module from string.
const module_constructor = module.constructor;
const Module = new module_constructor();
Module._compile(response, template.src);
template.render = Module.exports;
} catch (err) {
template.err = err;
return template;
return template;
if (typeof response === 'object') {
// Get template from src.
template.cached = merge(response, template);
return structuredClone(template.cached);
} else if (typeof response === 'string') {
template.template = response;
return template;
@function getTemplateObject
The workspace will checked and cached by the [Workspace API checkWorkspaceCache]{@link module:/workspace/cache~checkWorkspaceCache} method.
A template object matching the template_key param in the workspace.templates{} object will be returned.
The template string will be checked to include only whitelisted character.
An error exception will be returned if the template object lookup from the workspace failed.
@param {string} template
@returns {Promise<Object|Error>} JSON Template
async function getTemplateObject(template) {
if (typeof template === 'string') {
// The template param must not include non whitelisted character.
if (/[^a-zA-Z0-9 :_-]/.exec(template)) {
return new Error(
`Template param may only include whitelisted character.`,
const workspace = await workspaceCache();
if (workspace instanceof Error) {
return workspace;
if (!Object.hasOwn(workspace.templates, template)) {
return new Error(`Template: ${template} not found.`);
template = workspace.templates[template];
return template;