## /layer/featureFields
The featureFields module exports methods to reset and process the layer.featureFields{} object.
The layer.featureFields{} object has field properties for each field in the layer.params.fields[] array.
The layer.params.fields[] array will be populated from the fieldsArray method prior to requesting features to be added to an Openlayers layer source.
The featureFields.process() method will be called from the featureFormats methods while creating Openlayers features.
@module /layer/featureFields
@function reset
featureFields.reset(layer) method will reset the layer.featureFields{} object and create empty field.values[] arrays each field in the layer.params.fields[] array.
@param {layer} layer A decorated mapp layer object.
@property {Object} layer.params
@property {Array} params.fields Array of strings for feature property fields.
export function reset(layer) {
if (!layer.params.fields) return;
// Create featureFields object if nullish.
layer.featureFields ??= {};
layer.params.fields.forEach((field) => {
// Set empty values array.
layer.featureFields[field] = {
values: [],
@function process
The featureFields.process(layer) method will calculate the distribution of featureFields fields.values[] for featureStyle methods.
@param {layer} layer A decorated mapp layer object.
@property {layer-style} layer.style The layer style configuration.
@property {Object} style.icon_scaling Configuration to scale style icons for point features.
@property {Object} style.theme The current theme to style features according to their properties.
export function process(layer) {
if (layer.style.icon_scaling?.field) {
const numbers = layer.featureFields[layer.style.icon_scaling?.field].values
.filter((n) => !isNaN(n));
layer.style.icon_scaling.max = Math.max(...numbers);
// Check if the distribution method is defined in the distribution object.
if (Object.hasOwn(distribution, layer.style?.theme?.distribution)) {
// Call the corresponding distribution function.
// The legend method renders into the layer.style.legend
export const distribution = {
@function jenks
The jenks distribution method requires the stats.jenks utility method to calculate natural breaks within the `featureFields.values[]` array.
@param {layer} layer A decorated mapp layer object.
function jenks(layer) {
const theme = layer.style.theme;
const n = Math.min(
// Filter null values and parse filtered values as float to featureFields field array.
layer.featureFields[theme.field].values = layer.featureFields[
.filter((v) => v !== null)
// Compute Jenks natural breaks.
layer.featureFields[theme.field].jenks = mapp.utils.stats.jenks(
let val;
theme.categories.forEach((cat, i) => {
val =
val === layer.featureFields[theme.field].jenks[i]
? undefined
: layer.featureFields[theme.field].jenks[i];
cat.value = val;
cat.label = val;
@function count
The count distribution method counts values in the `featureFields.values[]` array.
@param {layer} layer A decorated mapp layer object.
function count(layer) {
const theme = layer.style.theme;
layer.featureFields[theme.field].values.forEach((val) => {
// Increment count for each value.
layer.featureFields[theme.field][val] ??= 0;
@function fieldsArray
The fieldsArray method checks the layer params and style to create a Set of fields which are required as feature properties.
An array without duplicates or undefined fields is returned from the Set.
@param {layer} layer A decorated mapp vector layer.
@returns {array} Array of feature fields.
export function fieldsArray(layer) {
const fieldsSet = new Set([
if (Array.isArray(layer.style.theme?.fields)) {
layer.style.theme.fields.forEach(fieldsSet.add, fieldsSet);
return Array.from(fieldsSet)
.filter((field) => !!field);