## /location/nnearest
The module exports a utility method for the nnearest query template.
@requires /utils/xhr
@module /location/nnearest
@function nnearest
The nnearest method gets coordinates from a feature geometry passed in the params argument.
A parameterised query to the get_nnearest template will be sent. The n for the nearest records query param is implied by the count property value of a cluster feature.
The records returned from the query are presented in a list popup positioned on the feature geometry.
Clicking on a list element allows to get the location associated with the query response record.
@param {object} params Parameter for the nnearest location query.
@property {mapview} params.mapview The mapview for locations layer.
@property {layer} params.later The locations layer.
@property {object} params.feature Query records nnearest to the feature.geometry.
@property {string} params.table The database table for the query.
export default async function nnearest(params) {
const featureProperties = params.feature.getProperties();
const fGeom = params.feature.getGeometry();
const fCoord = fGeom.getCoordinates();
const coords = ol.proj.transform(fCoord,
const response = await mapp.utils.xhr(
`${params.mapview.host}/api/query/get_nnearest?` +
locale: params.mapview.locale.key,
layer: params.layer.key,
geom: params.layer.geom,
qID: params.layer.qID,
label: params.layer.cluster?.label || params.layer.qID,
table: params.table,
filter: params.layer.filter?.current,
n: featureProperties.count > (params.max || 99) ? (params.max || 99) : featureProperties.count,
x: coords[0],
y: coords[1],
coords: coords,
const list = response.map(
li => mapp.utils.html.node`<li
onclick=${e => {
layer: params.layer,
table: params.table,
id: li.id,
marker: ol.proj.transform(
'EPSG:' + params.layer.srid,
'EPSG:' + params.mapview.srid),
}}>${li.label || '"' + params.layer.cluster?.label + '"'}`)
const content = mapp.utils.html.node`<ul class="list">${list}`;
coords: ol.proj.transform(
'EPSG:' + params.layer.srid,
'EPSG:' + params.mapview.srid
autoPan: true,