### mapp.ui.elements.numericInput()
Exports the numericInput elements method.
@module /ui/elements/numericInput
@function numericInput
Creates a type=text input element with validation checks oninput.
@param {Object} params Parameter for the creation of the input element.
@property {string} [params.placeholder=''] The placeholder for the text input.
@property {string} [params.data_id='numeric-input'] The data id attribute for the input element.
@returns {Object} HTML input element
export default function numericInput(params) {
params.placeholder ??= ''
params.data_id ??= 'numeric-input'
params.numericChecks ??= numericChecks
const value = mapp.utils.formatNumericValue(params)
const width = params.dynamicWidth ? (value.length + 1.3) + 'ch' : '100%'
const style = `text-align: center; width: ${width}`
const numericInput = mapp.utils.html.node`<input
onchange=${e => oninput(e, params)}
oninput=${e => oninput(e, params)}>`
return numericInput
@function oninput
Creates a type=text input element with validation checks for numeric values.
The value of an associated sliderElement will be updated if validated.
@param {Object} e The event object from input element.
@param {Object} params The config object argument.
@property {Object} e.target The input element.
@property {Object} params.callback A callback method is required.
function oninput(e, params) {
// Assign stringValue from input target.
params.stringValue = e.target.value
// Assign numeric newValue.
params.newValue = params.onRangeInput ? params.stringValue : mapp.utils.unformatStringValue(params);
if (params.numericChecks(params.newValue, params)) {
// The numericCheck passes.
delete params.invalid
// Updated sliderElement value only if validated.
if (params.sliderElement) {
// Set styling param for the track.
params.sliderElement.style.setProperty(`--${e.target.dataset.id}`, params.newValue)
// Set value for the range input.
params.sliderElement.querySelector(`[name=${params.rangeInput}]`).value = params.newValue
} else {
// The numericCheck fails.
params.invalid = true
// The invalid input should not be formatted.
if (params.invalid) return params.callback();
// Pass valid newValue to callback method.
// Re-format the params numeric value (newValue || value) and set as input string value.
e.target.value = mapp.utils.formatNumericValue(params)
e.target.style.width = (e.target.value.length + 1.3) + 'ch'
//Mark the onRangeInput to false is the origin of the input call could come from either a slider or input
params.onRangeInput = false;
@function numericChecks
The numericChecks method checks whether a provided numeric value is a number, larger than params.min, and smaller than params.max.
@param {Object} value The numeric value to check.
@param {Object} params The config object argument.
@property {numeric} params.min Value must be larger than min.
@property {numeric} params.max Value must be smaller than max.
@returns {Boolean} true if checks are passed.
function numericChecks(value, params) {
// Check whether value is a null.
if (params.onRangeInput && value === null) return false;
// Check whether value is a number.
if (isNaN(value)) return false;
if (params.min && value < params.min) {
// The value is smaller than min.
return false
if (params.max) {
return value <= params.max
return true