Exports method to create a slider_ab element group.
@module /ui/elements/slider_ab
@function slider_ab
The slider method creates a range slider element with two numeric input elements [a/b].
The params.value property must be between params.min and params.max params.
@param {Object} params Parameter for slider element.
@property {numeric} params.val_a Parameter value for a input.
@property {numeric} params.val_b Parameter value for b input.
@property {numeric} params.min Numeric range min.
@property {numeric} params.max Numeric range max.
@returns {HTMLElement} Element group containing range and numeric input elements.
export default function slider_ab(params) {
params.group_id ??= params.data_id || 'slider_ab';
params.step ??= 1;
const minInputParams = {
data_id: 'a',
value: params.val_a,
rangeInput: 'minRangeInput',
dynamicWidth: true,
callback: params.callback_a,
// Create numericInput element for formatting and numeric checks.
const minNumericInput = mapp.ui.elements.numericInput(minInputParams);
const maxInputParams = {
data_id: 'b',
value: params.val_b,
rangeInput: 'maxRangeInput',
dynamicWidth: true,
callback: params.callback_b,
// Create numericInput element for formatting and numeric checks.
const maxNumericInput = mapp.ui.elements.numericInput(maxInputParams);
@function numericChecks
The numericChecks method checks whether a provided numeric value is a number, larger than params.min, and smaller than params.max.
The slider_ab numericCheck methods returns false if the 'a' slider element value exceeds the 'b' slider element value or vice versa.
@param {Object} value The numeric value to check.
@param {Object} params The config object argument.
@property {numeric} params.min Value must be larger than min.
@property {numeric} params.max Value must be smaller than max.
@property {string} params.data_id The id of the numeric input element.
@returns {Boolean} true if checks are passed.
function numericChecks(value, params) {
// Check whether value is a null.
if (value === null) return false;
// Check whether value is a number.
if (isNaN(value)) return false;
//Value should be cast to number
value = Number(value);
if (
params.data_id === 'a' &&
value > Number(maxInputParams.newValue ?? maxInputParams.value)
) {
return false;
if (
params.data_id === 'b' &&
value < Number(minInputParams.newValue ?? minInputParams.value)
) {
return false;
// Check if the value is within the allowed range
return !(value < params.min || value > params.max);
const element = mapp.utils.html.node`
class="input-range multi"
--min: ${params.min};
--max: ${params.max};
--a: ${params.val_a};
--b: ${params.val_b};`}>
${minNumericInput} ${maxNumericInput}
<div class="track-bg"></div>
<input data-id="a" type="range"
oninput=${(e) => onRangeInput(e, params)}/>
<input data-id="b" type="range"
oninput=${(e) => onRangeInput(e, params)}/>`;
// The sliderElement property is required to update the range input on numeric input.
minInputParams.sliderElement = element;
maxInputParams.sliderElement = element;
@function onRangeInput
Assign value from range type input to associated numericInput element.
Formatting and numeric checks will be handled by the numericInput element.
@param {Object} e oninput event from range type input.
@param {Object} params params object used to pass additional params to the numericInput input function.
function onRangeInput(e, params) {
// Range type input return a string target.value.
const val = Number(e.target.value);
// Check whether input event is from minRangeInput.
if (e.target.dataset.id === 'a') {
//Needed to indicate that the change is coming from a slider element
minInputParams.onRangeInput = true;
minNumericInput.value = val;
// Trigger formatting and numeric checks.
minNumericInput.dispatchEvent(new Event('change'));
// Check whether input event is from maxRangeInput.
if (e.target.dataset.id === 'b') {
//Needed to indicate that the change is coming from a slider element
maxInputParams.onRangeInput = true;
maxNumericInput.value = val;
// Trigger formatting and numeric checks.
maxNumericInput.dispatchEvent(new Event('change'));
return element;