### /ui/layers/legends/categorized
The categorized theme legend module exports the categorizedTheme to the `ui.layers.legend{}` library object.
@requires /ui/elements/legendIcon
@requires /ui/elements/themeLegendSwitch
@module /ui/layers/legends/categorized
@function categorizedTheme
The categorizedTheme method creates and returns a categorized theme legend for the current layer.style.theme.
@param {layer} layer The decorated mapp layer.
@returns {HTMLElement} The categorized theme legend element.
export default function categorizedTheme(layer) {
const theme = layer.style.theme;
theme.filterOnly ??= layer.style.filterOnly;
theme.legend ??= {};
theme.legend.grid = [];
// Make 'left' default alignment.
theme.legend.alignContents ??= 'left';
theme.legend.alignContents += ' contents';
// Switch all control
theme.legend.switch =
theme.field && layer.filter && mapp.ui.elements.themeLegendSwitch();
theme.categories.forEach((cat) => {
cat.field ??= theme.field;
// Check whether cat is in current filter.
cat.disabled ??=
layer.filter?.current[cat.field]?.ni?.indexOf(cat.value) >= 0;
if (layer.featureFields && theme.distribution === 'count') {
cat.count = layer.featureFields[cat.field]?.[cat.value];
if (!cat.disabled && !cat.count) return;
const catLegendIcon = mapp.ui.elements.legendIcon({
width: 24,
height: 24,
...(cat._style || cat.style),
const icon = mapp.utils.html`<div
style="height: 24px; width: 24px; grid-column: 1;">
const classList = `label ${(layer.filter && 'switch') || ''} ${(cat.disabled && 'disabled') || ''}`;
const cat_label = cat.label + (cat.count ? ` [${cat.count}]` : '');
// Cat label with filter function.
const label = mapp.utils.html`<div
style="grid-column: 2;"
onclick=${(e) => catToggle(e, layer, cat)}>${cat_label}`;
cat.node = mapp.utils.html.node`<div
// Push icon and label into legend grid.
// Attach row for cluster locations.
if (layer.style.cluster) {
// Create cluster icon.
const icon = mapp.utils.html`
style="height: 40px; width: 40px;">
width: 40,
height: 40,
icon: layer.style.cluster.icon,
// Create cluster label.
const label = mapp.utils.html`
// Push icon and label into legend grid.
theme.legend.layout ??= 'grid';
theme.legend.node = mapp.utils.html.node`
<div class="legend">
${theme.legend.switch || ''}
<div class=${`contents-wrapper ${theme.legend.layout}`}>
layer.style.legend ??= theme.legend.node;
if (layer.style.legend) {
return theme.legend.node;
@function catToggle
The method toggles the disabled class on the event target element.
If toggled [on] the filterAdd method will be called and the style will be set to null.
If toggled [off] the filterRemove method will be called and the style will be restored from the cat._style.
@param {Event} e The cat label click event.
@param {layer} layer The decorated mapp layer.
@param {object} cat The cat object from the theme.
function catToggle(e, layer, cat) {
const toggle = e.target.classList.toggle('disabled');
if (toggle) {
cat.disabled = true;
filterAdd(layer, cat);
// Store style to toggle on.
cat._style = cat.style;
// The feature should not be rendered.
cat.style = null;
} else {
delete cat.disabled;
filterRemove(layer, cat);
// If the filter is defined in the config for initial display of just a subset of catergories, _style may not yet exist.
cat._style ??= cat.style;
// Set the style to _style that is a stored style.
cat.style = cat._style;
delete cat._style;
layer.style.theme.filterOnly ? layer.L.changed() : layer.reload();
@function filterAdd
Add the cat value to the current filter.
@param {layer} layer The decorated mapp layer.
@param {object} cat The cat object from the theme.
function filterAdd(layer, cat) {
if (layer.style.theme.filterOnly) return;
// Create empty field filter object if non exists.
if (!layer.filter.current[cat.field]) {
layer.filter.current[cat.field] = {};
// Create empty NI filter array for field if non exists.
if (!layer.filter.current[cat.field].ni) {
layer.filter.current[cat.field].ni = [];
// Push cat value into the NI filter array.
layer.filter.current[cat.field].ni.push(cat.keys || cat.value);
// Flatten the filter in case of arrays filter.
layer.filter.current[cat.field].ni =
const filter = layer.filter.list?.find(
(f) => f.type === 'ni' && f.field === cat.field,
if (filter?.card) {
.replaceWith(mapp.ui.layers.filters.ni(layer, filter));
@function filterRemove
Remove the cat value to the current filter.
@param {layer} layer The decorated mapp layer.
@param {object} cat The cat object from the theme.
function filterRemove(layer, cat) {
if (layer.style.theme.filterOnly) return;
if (Array.isArray(cat.keys)) {
cat.keys.forEach((key) => {
// Splice key out of the NI array.
} else {
// Splice value out of the NI array.
// Delete current field filter if NI array is empty.
if (!layer.filter.current[cat.field].ni.length) {
delete layer.filter.current[cat.field].ni;
if (!Object.keys(layer.filter.current[cat.field]).length) {
delete layer.filter.current[cat.field];
const filter = layer.filter.list?.find(
(f) => f.type === 'ni' && f.field === cat.field,
if (filter?.card) {
.replaceWith(mapp.ui.layers.filters.ni(layer, filter));