## /utils/queryParams
The queryParams module exports the queryParams utility method for layer and dataview requests.
@module /utils/queryParams
export default queryParams;
@function queryParams
The queryParams method returns a params object for the creation of a query URL params string.
The utility facilitates the creation of params argument for the [mapp.utils.paramString()]{@link module:/utils/paramString~paramString} method.
from the [dataview.update()]{@link module:/ui/Dataview~updateDataview} method.
// Compile params object from dataview this.
const params = mapp.utils.queryParams(this);
// Stringify paramString from object.
const paramString = mapp.utils.paramString(params);
this.host ??= this.layer?.mapview?.host
// Query data as response from query.
const response = await mapp.utils.xhr(`${this.host || mapp.host}/api/query?${paramString}`);
The queryParams method is particularly useful for calculating the current [viewport] bounds for a data query and to determine the current table for the mapviews current zoom level.
@param {Object} _this Object from which the query originates, eg. layer, dataview entry.
@property {Object} _this.queryparams Parameter object for the query.
@property {Boolean} [queryparams.layer] The layer associated with the requesting object _this should be provided as request param.
@property {layer} [_this.layer] The layer associated with _this object. The layer is required to calculate a viewport, center, zoom [z], or table [if not explicit].
@property {Boolean} [_this.viewport] Calculate the bounds for the current viewport of the mapview for _this.layer.
@returns {object} A params object to create a params string.
function queryParams(_this) {
// If queryparams is not an object, return.
if (typeof _this.queryparams !== 'object') {
console.warn('queryparams must be an object');
const layer = _this.layer || _this.location?.layer;
// Assign table from layer JSON or layer.tableCurrent() method.
_this.queryparams.table &&=
typeof _this.queryparams.table === 'string'
? _this.queryparams.table
: getTable(_this);
// Get bounds from mapview.
const bounds = _this.viewport && _this.layer.mapview.getBounds();
// Get center from mapview.
const center =
_this.queryparams.center &&
return {
// Spread the queryparams object.
// Queries will fail if the template can not be accessed in workspace.
template: encodeURIComponent(_this.query),
// Layer filter can only be applied if the layer is provided as reference to a layer object in the layers list.
filter: _this.queryparams.filter ? layer?.filter?.current : undefined,
// Locale param is only required for layer lookups.
locale: layer?.mapview?.locale.key || _this.location?.locale || undefined,
// Layer param is only required for layer lookups.
layer: layer?.key || undefined,
// ID will be taken if a location object is provided with the params.
id: _this.queryparams.id ? _this.location?.id : undefined,
// qID will be taken if a location object is provided with the params.
qID: _this.queryparams.qID ? _this.location?.layer?.qID : undefined,
// Email will be taken if a location object is provided with the params.
email: _this.queryparams.email ? mapp.user.email : undefined,
// lat lng must be explicit or the center flag param must be set.
lat: center && center[1],
lng: center && center[0],
// z will be generated if the z flag is set in the params.
z: _this.queryparams?.z && layer.mapview.Map.getView().getZoom(),
// Viewport will only be generated if the viewport flag is set on the params.
viewport: bounds && [
// The fieldValues array entries should not be part of the url params.
fieldValues: undefined,
@function getTable
Returns the current table associated with a layer or location.layer which maybe dependent on the mapview zoom level.
@param {Object} _this Object from which the query originates, eg. layer, dataview entry.
@property {location} [_this.location] A mapp location associated with _this object.
@property {layer} [location.layer] A mapp layer associated with _this.location.
@property {layer} [_this.layer] A mapp layer associated with _this object.
@returns {string} Table name
function getTable(_this) {
return (
_this.location?.layer?.table ||
_this.layer?.table ||
_this.location?.layer?.tableCurrent?.() ||
_this.layer?.tableCurrent?.() ||
_this.location?.layer?.tableCurrent?.() ||
(_this.layer?.tables &&
Object.values(_this.layer.tables).find((table) => !!table)) ||
(_this.location?.layer?.tables &&
Object.values(_this.location?.layer.tables).find((table) => !!table))