### mapp.layer.formats.tiles()
This module defines the tiles format for map layers.
@module /layer/formats/tiles
The function takes a layer object as input and performs the following steps:
1. It sets default values for `layer.source` and `layer.projection` if they are not already defined.
2. It creates a parameter string (`layer.paramString`) using the `mapp.utils.paramString` function, passing `layer.params` as an argument.
3. It creates a new `ol.layer.Tile` object and assigns it to `layer.L`. The tile layer is configured with the following properties:
- `source`: A new instance of the tile source based on layer.source. The source is created using `ol.source[layer.source]` and is configured with the projection, url, and transition properties.
- `layer`: The layer object itself, allowing access to layer properties within the tile layer.
- `zIndex`: The z-index of the layer.
@function tiles
@param {Object} layer - The layer object.
@param {string} [layer.source='OSM'] - The source of the tile layer (e.g., 'OSM', 'XYZ').
@param {string} [layer.projection='EPSG:3857'] - The projection of the tile layer.
@param {string} [layer.paramString] - The parameter string for the tile layer URL.
@param {Object} [layer.params] - Additional parameters for the tile layer.
@param {string} layer.URI - The base URI for the tile layer.
@param {Object} [layer.style] - The style configuration for the layer.
@param {number} [layer.zIndex=0] - The z-index of the layer.
@param {ol.layer.Tile} layer.L - The OpenLayers tile layer object.
export default layer => {
layer.source ??= 'OSM'
layer.projection ??= 'EPSG:3857'
layer.paramString ??= mapp.utils.paramString(layer.params)
layer.L = new ol.layer.Tile({
key: layer.key,
className: `mapp-layer-${layer.key}`,
zIndex: layer.zIndex,
source: new ol.source[layer.source]({
projection: layer.projection,
url: layer.URI+layer.paramString,
transition: 0
if (layer.style?.contextFilter) {
layer.L.on('prerender', (evt) => {
if (evt.context) {
evt.context.filter = layer.style.contextFilter;
evt.context.globalCompositeOperation = 'source-over';
layer.L.on('postrender', (evt) => {
if (evt.context) {
evt.context.filter = 'none';