## Mapview.geoJSON()
The mapview.geojson method creates and adds a geoJSON layer/source to the mapview.Map.
@module /mapview/geometry
@param {Object} params
The params object argument.
let format;
export default function (params) {
if (
typeof params.format === 'string' &&
Object.hasOwn(ol.format, params.format)
) {
format = new ol.format[params.format]();
let feature;
// Parse geometry from string value if not provided.
const geometry =
params.geometry ||
(typeof params.value === 'string'
? JSON.parse(params.value)
: params.value);
// Create OL style object from params.style if not provided.
params.Style ??= mapp.utils.style(params.style);
if (!geometry) return;
try {
feature = format.readFeature(
type: 'Feature',
dataProjection: `EPSG:${params.dataProjection || params.srid || this.srid}`,
featureProjection: `EPSG:${this.srid}`,
} catch (err) {
if (!feature) return;
const layerVector = new ol.layer.Vector({
source: new ol.source.Vector({
features: [feature],
zIndex: params.zIndex,
style: params.Style,
return layerVector;