## Mapview.infotip()
@module /mapview/infotip
@param {Object} content
const infotip = {};
export default function (content) {
const mapview = this;
// Remove infotip node element
// The mapview must have a position to place the infotip.
if (!mapview.position) return;
// Remove infotip positioning event from mapview Map.
mapview.Map.un('pointermove', position);
// Just clears the infotip.
if (!content) return;
if (content instanceof HTMLElement) {
infotip.node = content;
// Content type object but not HTMLElement cannot be rendered.
} else if (typeof content === 'object') {
`Content type object cannot be rendered in infotip: ${JSON.stringify(content)}`,
} else {
// Check for braces in content string.
if (mapview.locale.xss_check && /[()]/.test(content)) {
console.warn(`Potential XSS detected in infotip content ${content}`);
// Creates the infotip node.
infotip.node = mapp.utils.html.node`<div class="infotip box-shadow">`;
// Assigns the infotip content.
infotip.node.innerHTML = content;
// Appends the infotip to the mapview.Map.
// Assign infotip positioning event to mapview.Map.
mapview.Map.on('pointermove', position);
// Set the position of the infotip.
function position() {
// The infotip class has a default opacity of 0, with transition effect.
infotip.node.style.opacity = 1;
// Set the infotip position from mapview pointerLocation.
infotip.node.style.left =
mapview.pointerLocation.x - infotip.node.offsetWidth / 2 + 'px';
infotip.node.style.top =
mapview.pointerLocation.y - infotip.node.offsetHeight - 15 + 'px';