* ### mapview.interactions.snap()
* This module sets up the snap interaction for the mapview.
* @module /mapview/interactions/snap
* Sets up the snap interaction for the mapview.
* @function snap
* @param {Object} mapview - The mapview object.
* @param {ol.Map} mapview.Map - The OpenLayers map object.
* @param {Object} mapview.interaction - The interaction object.
* @param {boolean|Object} mapview.interaction.snap - The snap interaction configuration.
* @param {string} [mapview.interaction.snap.layer] - The key of the layer to snap to.
* @param {ol.layer.Layer} mapview.interaction.layer - The interaction layer.
* @param {Object} mapview.layers - The map layers object.
export default function (mapview) {
// The current draw/modify interaction doesn't snap.
if (!mapview.interaction.snap) return;
if (mapview.interaction.snap === true) {
// Assign the interaction layer as snap layer if snap is true.
mapview.interaction.snap = {
layer: mapview.interaction.layer.key
if (typeof (mapview.interaction.snap) === 'string') {
// Assign the interaction layer as snap layer if snap is a string.
mapview.interaction.snap = {
layer: mapview.interaction.snap
// Assign mapview and interaction to be _this.
mapview.interaction.snap = {
* Removes the snap interaction and related resources.
remove: () => {
if (mapview.interaction.layer.featureSource) {
// Detach tile load event,
mapview.interaction.layer.featureSource.un('tileloadend', tileloadend)
// Remove featureSource layer from mapview.Map,
// And clear featureSource.
// Check if snap layer exists in mapview.layers.
if (!mapview.layers[mapview.interaction.snap.layer]) {
console.warn(`Unable to snap to layer:${mapview.interaction.snap.layer} as it is not found in mapview.layers.`)
// Assign snap layer from key if defined.
mapview.interaction.snap.layer &&= mapview.layers[mapview.interaction.snap.layer] || mapview.interaction.layer
// Assign interaction as snap layer if undefined.
mapview.interaction.snap.layer ??= mapview.interaction.layer
* Callback function for the `tileloadend event of the feature source.
* Adds features from the loaded tile to the snap source.
* @param {ol.TileLoadEvent} e - The tile load event.
function tileloadend(e) {
const features = e.tile.getFeatures()
// Try adding features to prevent a crash adding the same feature twice.
try {
} catch { }
if (mapview.interaction.snap.layer.featureSource) {
// Create new Vector source for snap features.
mapview.interaction.snap.source = new ol.source.Vector()
// Assign loadend event to MVT layer featureSource.
mapview.interaction.snap.layer.featureSource.on('tileloadend', tileloadend)
mapview.interaction.snap.vectorTileLayer = new ol.layer.VectorTile({
source: mapview.interaction.snap.layer.featureSource,
opacity: 0
// Add invisible tile layer for the featureSource to trigger tile loads.
} else {
// Assign vector source as snap source for vector layer.
mapview.interaction.snap.source = mapview.interaction.snap.layer.L.getSource()
// Create snap interaction with snap.source.
mapview.interaction.snap.interaction = new ol.interaction.Snap({
source: mapview.interaction.snap.source
// Add snap.interaction to mapview.Map