## /plugins/link_button
The module exports the link_button plugin method to mapp.plugins{}
@module /plugins/link_button
@function link_button
The link_button locale property is provided as the link_button function argument. This can be either a single object or an array of objects.
"link_button": [
"href": "/url/url",
"title": "TITLE HERE",
"css_style": "mask-image: url(https://geolytix.github.io/MapIcons/services/component_exchange.svg); -webkit-mask-image: url(https://geolytix.github.io/MapIcons/services/component_exchange.svg);"
"href": "/foo",
"title": "Foo",
"locale": true
The link_button method will call the addButton method for each link_button object.
@param {Object} link_button The link_button config, can be an array of objects.
@param {mapview} mapview The mapview object.
let mapButton;
export function link_button(link_button, mapview) {
mapButton = document.getElementById('mapButton');
const localeKey = mapview.locale.key;
if (!mapButton) return;
if (!link_button) return;
if (Array.isArray(link_button)) {
link_button.forEach((link) => addButton(link, localeKey));
} else {
addButton(link_button, localeKey);
@function addButton
The addButton method creates a link element and appends the element to the mapButton.
@param {Object} link The link object.
@param {string} localeKey The key of the current mapview locale.
@property {string} link.href The link URL.
@property {string} link.title The link title, defaults to "Link".
@property {string} link.target The link target, defaults to "_blank".
@property {string} link.css_class The class for the div, defaults to "mask-icon".
@property {string} link.css_style The style for the div.
@property {boolean} [link.locale] Whether to append the locale to the href.
function addButton(link, localeKey) {
if (!link?.href) {
console.warn(`You must provide a href for the link_button plugin.`);
if (link.locale) {
link.href = `${link.href}?locale=${localeKey}`;
link.target ??= '_blank';
link.css_class ??= 'mask-icon';
link.title ??= mapp.dictionary.link;
const node = mapp.utils.html.node`