### Zoom Btn Plugin
@module /plugins/zoomBtn
@function zoomBtn
Adds zoom in and zoom out buttons to the mapview.
@param {Object} plugin The plugin configuration object.
@param {Object} mapview The mapview object.
@property {ol.Map} mapview.Map The OpenLayers map object.
@property {Object} mapview.locale The locale object of the mapview.
@property {number} locale.maxZoom The maximum zoom level allowed.
@property {number} locale.minZoom The minimum zoom level allowed.
export function zoomBtn(plugin, mapview) {
const btnColumn = document.getElementById('mapButton');
// the btnColumn element only exist in the default mapp view.
if (!btnColumn) return;
// Add zoomIn button.
const btnZoomIn = btnColumn.appendChild(mapp.utils.html.node`
.disabled=${mapview.Map.getView().getZoom() >= mapview.locale.maxZoom}
onclick=${(e) => {
const z = parseInt(mapview.Map.getView().getZoom() + 1);
e.target.disabled = z >= mapview.locale.maxZoom;
}}><div class="mask-icon add">`);
// Add zoomOut button.
const btnZoomOut = btnColumn.appendChild(mapp.utils.html.node`
.disabled=${mapview.Map.getView().getZoom() <= mapview.locale.minZoom}
onclick=${(e) => {
const z = parseInt(mapview.Map.getView().getZoom() - 1);
e.target.disabled = z <= mapview.locale.minZoom;
}}><div class="mask-icon remove">`);
// changeEnd event listener for zoom button
mapview.Map.getTargetElement().addEventListener('changeEnd', () => {
const z = mapview.Map.getView().getZoom();
btnZoomIn.disabled = z >= mapview.locale.maxZoom;
btnZoomOut.disabled = z <= mapview.locale.minZoom;