### mapp.ui.elements.dialog()
Exports the dialog method as mapp.ui.elements.dialog()
@module /ui/elements/dialog
@function dialog
The dialog method decorates a dialog object with methods to close or shift the element within the confines of the containing [target] window element.
const dialog = mapp.ui.elements.dialog({
target: document.body,
css_style: 'width: 300px; height: 200px; background: #fff; border: 1px solid #000',
header: 'Dialog Header',
content: 'Dialog Content',
close: true,
headerDrag: true
The show method will be called on an existing dialog unless the creation is implicit with the new property flag.
@param {Object} dialog The dialog configuration object.
@property {HTMLElement} dialog.target The target element where the dialog will be appended.
@property {string} [dialog.css_style] The CSS styles to apply to the dialog dialog.
@property {string} [dialog.data_id='dialog'] The data-id attribute value for the dialog.
@property {string} [dialog.header] The HTML content for the dialog header.
@property {string} [dialog.content] The HTML content for the dialog body.
@property {boolean} [dialog.modal] A flag to determine if its a Modal or Dialog.
@property {boolean} [dialog.closeBtn] The flag property will become the closeBtn element.
@property {boolean} [dialog.minimizeBtn] The flag property will become the minimizeBtn element.
@property {Function} [dialog.close] A function called by default when the dialog is closed. The dialog element is closed and removed from DOM.
@property {Function} [dialog.onClose] Optional function to run after dialog element is closed - uses onclose dialog event and overrides dialog.close().
@property {boolean} [dialog.new] Optional parameter which specifies whether a new dialog should be created on re-opening the dialog.
@property {number} [dialog.top] The top position of the dialog.
@property {number} [dialog.left] The left position of the dialog.
@property {number} [dialog.right] The right position of the dialog (used to calculate left position).
@property {boolean} [dialog.contained] A flag indicating whether to keep the dialog within the target element's boundaries.
@property {boolean} [dialog.containedCentre] A flag indicating whether to keep the dialog centered within the target element's boundaries.
@property {boolean} [dialog.headerDrag] A flag indicating whether the dialog can be dragged only by the header.By default, the dialog can be dragged from anywhere.
@returns {Object} Decorated dialog configuration object
export default function dialog(dialog) {
// Shortcircuit method and show existing dialog.
// The new flag can be used to always create a new dialog.
if(!dialog.new && typeof dialog.show === 'function'){
dialog.show = show
if (!dialog.target) {
// The dialog must be modal if no target is provided.
dialog.modal = true;
// Ensure the target is an HTMLElement before proceeding
} else if (!(dialog.target instanceof HTMLElement)) return;
// Close existing modal.
dialog.minimizeBtn &&= mapp.utils.html`<button
class="mask-icon minimize-btn"
onclick=${e => {
function closeDialog(e) {
if (dialog.onClose instanceof Function) {
dialog.close = closeDialog
dialog.closeBtn &&= mapp.utils.html`<button
class="mask-icon close"
dialog.headerHtml = mapp.utils.html`<header
class=${dialog.headerDrag ? 'headerDrag': ''}>
dialog.data_id ??= 'dialog'
dialog.class ??= 'box-shadow'
dialog.class += dialog.modal ? ' modal' : ' dialog'
dialog.node = mapp.utils.html.node`<dialog
<div class="content">${dialog.content}`
if (dialog.modal) {
} else {
if (dialog.right) {
// Calc left from right and offSetWidth
dialog.left = dialog.target.offsetWidth - dialog.node.offsetWidth - parseInt(dialog.right)
dialog.node.style.top = `${dialog.top || 0}`
dialog.node.style.left = `${dialog.left || 0}`
dialog.node.addEventListener('mousedown', handleStartEvent);
dialog.node.addEventListener('touchstart', handleStartEvent);
// Create a ResizeObserver to observe changes in the map's dimensions
const resizeObserver = new ResizeObserver(adjustDialogPosition);
// Function to handle the start of a drag event, setting up the necessary event listeners for moving and ending the drag
function handleStartEvent(e) {
// If headerDrag is true, the dialog can only be dragged by the header
if (dialog.headerDrag && !e.target.closest('header')) return;
// Don't trigger shift on right click
if (e.which === 3) return;
dialog.node.style.cursor = 'grabbing';
const eventsMap = {
mousedown: {
move: 'mousemove',
end: 'mouseup'
touchstart: {
move: 'touchmove',
end: 'touchend'
const { move: moveEvent, end: endEvent } = eventsMap[e.type];
dialog.target.addEventListener(moveEvent, shiftEvent);
window.addEventListener(endEvent, stopShift);
function adjustDialogPosition() {
const { offsetWidth: mapWidth, offsetHeight: mapHeight } = dialog.target;
const { offsetWidth: dialogWidth, offsetHeight: dialogHeight } = dialog.node;
// Calculate the maximum allowed positions for the dialog
const maxLeft = mapWidth - dialogWidth;
const maxTop = mapHeight - dialogHeight;
// Adjust the dialog's position if it exceeds the map boundaries
dialog.node.style.left = `${Math.min(Math.max(dialog.node.offsetLeft, 0), maxLeft)}px`;
dialog.node.style.top = `${Math.min(Math.max(dialog.node.offsetTop, 0), maxTop)}px`;
// Function to end the drag event, resetting cursor style and removing the move and end event listeners
function stopShift() {
delete dialog.x
delete dialog.y
// If headerDrag is true - the cursor should be set to auto on mouseup
dialog.node.style.cursor = dialog.headerDrag ? 'auto' : 'grab';
dialog.target.removeEventListener('mousemove', shiftEvent);
dialog.target.removeEventListener('touchmove', shiftEvent);
dialog.target.removeEventListener('mouseup', stopShift);
dialog.target.removeEventListener('touchend', stopShift);
// Function to handle the move event during a drag, updating the position of the dialog while keeping it within the window bounds
function shiftEvent(e) {
// Set initial x
dialog.x ??= e.x
const leftShift = e.x - dialog.x
dialog.x = e.x
// Set initial y
dialog.y ??= e.y
const topShift = e.y - dialog.y
dialog.y = e.y
if (dialog.contained && !dialog.modal) {
shiftContained(dialog, leftShift, topShift)
if (dialog.containedCentre && !dialog.modal) {
shiftContainedCentre(dialog, leftShift, topShift)
// left shift
dialog.node.style.left = `${dialog.node.offsetLeft + leftShift}px`
// top shift
dialog.node.style.top = `${dialog.node.offsetTop + topShift}px`
// Maintain a reference to the dialog
dialog.dialog = dialog
return dialog
@function shiftContained
The shiftContained method prevents the dialog element to be shifted beyond the extent of the containing window element.
@param {Object} dialog
The dialog configuration object.
@param {integer} leftShift
Shift from left offset.
@param {integer} topShift
Shift from top offset
function shiftContained(dialog, leftShift, topShift) {
// Exceeds left offset
if ((dialog.node.offsetLeft + leftShift) < 0) {
dialog.node.style.left = 0
// Shifts left
} else if (leftShift < 0) {
dialog.node.style.left = `${dialog.node.offsetLeft + leftShift}px`
// Does NOT exceed right offset
} else if ((dialog.target.offsetWidth - dialog.node.offsetWidth - dialog.node.offsetLeft) > 0) {
// Shifts right
dialog.node.style.left = `${dialog.node.offsetLeft + leftShift}px`
// Exceeds top offset
if ((dialog.node.offsetTop + topShift) < 0) {
dialog.node.style.top = 0
// Shift top
} else if (topShift < 0) {
dialog.node.style.top = `${dialog.node.offsetTop + topShift}px`
// Does NOT exceed bottom offset
} else if ((dialog.target.offsetHeight - dialog.node.offsetHeight - dialog.node.offsetTop) > 0) {
// Shift bottom
dialog.node.style.top = `${dialog.node.offsetTop + topShift}px`
@function shiftContainedCentre
The shiftContainedCentre method prevents the dialog elements calculated centre to be shifted beyond the extent of the containing window element.
@param {Object} dialog
The dialog configuration object.
@param {integer} leftShift
Shift from left offset.
@param {integer} topShift
Shift from top offset
function shiftContainedCentre(dialog, leftShift, topShift) {
// Exceeds left offset
if ((dialog.node.offsetLeft + parseInt(dialog.node.offsetWidth / 2) + leftShift) < 0) {
// Shifts left
} else if (leftShift < 0) {
dialog.node.style.left = `${dialog.node.offsetLeft + leftShift}px`
// Does NOT exceed right offset
} else if ((dialog.target.offsetWidth - parseInt(dialog.node.offsetWidth / 2) - dialog.node.offsetLeft) > 0) {
// Shifts right
dialog.node.style.left = `${dialog.node.offsetLeft + leftShift}px`
// Exceeds top offset
if ((dialog.node.offsetTop + parseInt(dialog.node.offsetHeight / 2) + topShift) < 0) {
// Shift top
} else if (topShift < 0) {
dialog.node.style.top = `${dialog.node.offsetTop + topShift}px`
// Does NOT exceed bottom offset
} else if ((dialog.target.offsetHeight - parseInt(dialog.node.offsetHeight / 2) - dialog.node.offsetTop) > 0) {
// Shift bottom
dialog.node.style.top = `${dialog.node.offsetTop + topShift}px`
@function show
Appends the dialog node to its target.
Called upon re-opening a dialog.
function show(){
//check for a node
if(!this.node) return;
//append the node to the target if there is one
this.target instanceof HTMLElement && this.target.append(this.node)