The boolean [location] entries module exports the boolean function as default.
@module /ui/locations/entries/boolean
@function boolean
## mapp.ui.locations.entries.boolean(entry)
Returns a HTML element as visual representation of the boolean value. A checkbox element will be returned if the entry is editable.
"title": "Flag",
"label": "Checkbox",
"edit": true,
"field": "flag",
"type": "boolean",
"inline": true
@param {infoj-entry} entry type:boolean infoj entry.
@returns {HTMLElement} Location view entry node.
export default function boolean(entry) {
if (entry.edit) {
return mapp.ui.elements.chkbox({
label: entry.label || entry.title,
checked: entry.newValue !== undefined ? entry.newValue : entry.value,
disabled: !entry.edit,
onchange: (checked) => {
entry.newValue = checked;
new CustomEvent('valChange', {
detail: entry,
const icon = `mask-icon ${entry.value ? 'done' : 'close'}`;
return mapp.utils.html.node`
<div class="link-with-img">
<div class=${icon}></div>