## ui/locations/entries/dataview
The dataview entry module exports the dataview method as mapp.ui.locations.entries.dataview()
@requires /ui/Dataview
@module /ui/locations/entries/dataview
@function dataview
### mapp.ui.locations.entries.dataview()
The `dataview.data{}` will be assigned from the entry.value if available.
The `dataview.layer` will be assigned from the `entry.location.layer`
A document lookup for the target ID will be attempted if the target is provided as string. The dataview will be decorated, created, and updated in this case.
A dataview has already been decorated if a `dataview.update` method exists. The entry method will check the display condition to show the dataview and return the entry HTMLElements.
The `dataview.tabview` will be assigned if the document queryselector finds a matching data-id, eg. "tabview".
The dataview will be added as a new tab to the tabview.
A locationViewTarget element will be created and returned to the location.view without a tabview or implicit target element for the dataview.
The dataview entry is decorated to be a `typedef:dataview` object by passing the entry as argument to the `mapp.ui.Dataview(entry)` method.
A decorated dataview entry will have show(), hide(), and an update() method.
A checkbox element will be created if the dataview entry has a label.
The display flag controls whether the dataview should be immediately displayed.
The dataview checkbox and locationViewTarget elements will be returned if available.
@param {infoj-entry} entry type:dataview entry.
@property {location} entry.location The entry location.
@property {layer} entry.layer The entry layer will be assigned from the entry.location.
@property {Object} entry.data The dataview data.
@property {string} [entry.label] Label for checkbox element.
@property {string} [entry.dataview] The dataview type, eg. "chartjs", "tabulator".
@property {string} [entry.target] The dataview target. Will resolve to HTMLElement.
@property {Function} [entry.update] The dataview update method.
@property {boolean} [entry.display] The dataview display flag.
@property {Function} [entry.show] The dataview show method.
@property {Function} [entry.hide] The dataview hide method.
@property {HTMLElement} [entry.locationViewTarget] Dataview target for display in location.view.
@return {HTMLElement} Location view dataview and checkbox.
export default function dataview(entry) {
if (entry.value !== undefined) {
entry.data = entry.value;
if (entry.data?.length === 0) {
entry.data = null;
if (entry.data === null) {
// The entry must be disabled if the query has run with querycheck:true and the data is null.
// This is to prevent the query running over and over again getting the same result.
entry._display ??= entry.display;
delete entry.display;
} else {
entry.display ??= entry._display;
if (entry.label) {
// Create checkbox if a label is provided.
entry.chkbox = mapp.ui.elements.chkbox({
data_id: entry.key,
label: entry.label,
checked: !!entry.display,
disabled: entry.data === null,
onchange: (checked) => {
entry.display = checked;
entry.display ? entry.show() : entry.hide();
// Dataview queries may require the layer and host to be defined on the entry.
entry.layer ??= entry.location.layer;
entry.host ??= entry.layer.mapview.host;
// Dataview will be rendered into target identified by ID.
if (
typeof entry.target === 'string' &&
) {
// Assign element by ID as target.
entry.target = document.getElementById(entry.target);
// Create and update the dataview.
if (mapp.ui.Dataview(entry) instanceof Error) return;
// Dataview has already been created. e.g. after the location (view) is updated, and it is not dynamic.
if (entry.update && !entry.dynamic) {
if (entry.display) entry.show?.();
// Return elements to location view.
return mapp.utils.html.node`
${entry.chkbox || ''}
${entry.locationViewTarget || ''}`;
if (
typeof entry.target === 'string' &&
) {
// Tabview entries return empty on mobile.
if (mapp.utils.mobile()) return;
// Assign tabview element from queryselector
entry.tabview ??= document.querySelector(`[data-id=${entry.target}]`);
// Assign border style based on the location view record (from list)
entry.tab_style ??= `border-bottom: 3px solid ${
entry.location.style?.strokeColor || 'var(--color-primary)'
// Assign target html element for dataview.
entry.target = mapp.utils.html.node`
<div class="dataview-target">`;
// Create tab after dataview creation is complete.
new CustomEvent('addTab', {
detail: entry,
} else if (!entry.tabview) {
// Dataview will be rendered into location view.
const location_class = `location ${entry.key || entry.query}`;
entry.locationViewTarget = mapp.utils.html.node`
<div class="${location_class}">`;
entry.target = entry.locationViewTarget;
// Decorate the dataview entry.
if (mapp.ui.Dataview(entry) instanceof Error) return;
// Dataview should be displayed.
entry.display && entry.show?.();
// Return elements to location view.
return mapp.utils.html.node`
${entry.chkbox || ''}
${entry.locationViewTarget || ''}`;