## /ui/utils/jsonDataview
The jsonDataview module exports as default an object with a create method for JSON dataviews.
@requires /utils/textFile
@module /ui/utils/jsonDataview
export default {
toolbar: {
@function create
The create method for json dataviews assigns the setData method to the dataview object.
@param {dataview} dataview Dataview object.
@property {object} dataview.data A JSON data object to be assigned as data to the Json dataview.
function create(dataview) {
dataview.setData = setData;
if (dataview.data) {
@function setData
The [json] dataview setData method sets the stringified JSON data as textcontent of the dataview.target element.
@param {Object} data JSON data.
function setData(data) {
this.data = data;
this.target.textContent = JSON.stringify(data);
@function jsonfile
The button method creates a button element.
The button will call the textFile utility method to create a json file download.
@param {dataview} dataview Dataview object.
@returns {HTMLElement} Returns the button element.
function jsonfile(dataview) {
dataview.title ??= dataview.label || 'Unknown';
const button = mapp.utils.html.node`<button onclick=${() => {
const textFile = {
text: JSON.stringify(dataview.data, null, 2),
type: 'application/json',
return button;